The best tactics to use on Football Manager 2022

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Football Manager 2022

You can build whatever squad you want in Football Manager 2022, but without a good tactic, you're not going to get far.

With new player roles to try out, FM22 comes with more possibilities than ever before. You can try and work out your dream style of football, but you can also find some tips and get a head-start over your rivals.

Here are some of the best setups for you to try out.

1. 4-4-2 Gegenpress

4-4-2 may not be the most glamorous formation out there, but in FM22, it can be deadly if used properly.

The gap between midfield and attack is addressed with that false nine striker, who gets plenty of assistance from two attack-minded midfielders behind him.

Your box-to-box man needs to have immense stamina and speed, because he can't afford to be caught too far forward. Select the right player and you'll be on to a winner.

2. Cautious 4-4-2

If you don't have the right players for that version of the 4-4-2, don't be afraid to go with this more cautious approach.

The advanced playmaker is replaced by a deep-lying option, who will sit back and offer more cover for your defence while the box-to-box man gets up alongside the false nine.

Two inverted wingers also add to the attacking overload, while your left-back can be one of the most dangerous players on the team.

3. 4-2-4 Vertical Tiki-Taka

4-2-4 is a popular tactic for late-game situations in which you need to go for broke, but why not try it from the start?

With just one attacking mindset in the squad, it's actually not as gung-ho as you might fear. Players must be tactically strong and aware of what is expected of them, or else your defence will start getting a little lost.

For a little extra attacking oomph, the deep-lying forward can be turned into a poacher or something else goal-oriented.

4. Versatile 3-5-2

On first glance, the number of players in your own half might make this look a little boring, but just check those mindsets. Attack, attack, attack.

Your wing-backs go crazy, the midfielders are instructed to charge forward whenever possible and your two strikers are solely focused on getting goals. Even one of your centre-backs tries to get in on the fun.

You 100% need a good DLP here. Their job is to fill in at the back when that centre-back is out of position. Without that, you might get overrun.

5. 4-4-1-1 Shadow Striker

Your advanced forward isn't the real star here. Instead, it's that shadow striker, who combines with those inverted wingers to wreak havoc on any defenders.

With attacking mindsets, those two wingers will bomb forwards and take up similar spaces to the shadow striker, and those three will fizz around and pull defenders left, right and centre.

Out of possession, they press high and recover possession quickly, at which point your four forwards start to run wild.

6. Pressing 4-2-2-2

Speaking of pressing, that's what this 4-2-2-2 is all about.

Similar to the 4-2-4, these two wide players come inside more often than not and play more like attacking midfielders who are tasked with pushing forwards and getting assists.

Your complete wing-backs are focused much more on the attacking side of things as well, making this a real high-tempo, heavy metal style of football.

7. Nagelmann's 4-2-3-1

The 4-2-3-1 is always a popular setup in FMs of years gone by, but this tactic is geared towards Julian Nagelsmann's preferred setup.

Passes are methodical, players are given the freedom to rotate and things are designed to speed up a notch when the ball gets into the final third.

That advanced playmaker spot could be a raumdeuter if you've got the right man (Thomas Muller, stand up), but the AP is the safer option.

8. Ten Hag's 4-3-3

Erik ten Hag has built something special. His style of football is tricky to replicate, but this tactic is as close as you're going to come.

Your inverted winger does most of the heavy lifting here, but the target forward is the real star. The amount of goals this player can bag is absolutely frightening.

It's possession-heavy and full of goals, but you need to make sure your defensive midfielder is solid, because he'll be asked to do a lot of work.

9. 4-3-3 Wide

This 4-3-3 is all about production out wide. Your inside forwards smash home the goals and your wing-backs are usually the ones assisting them.

Those wing-backs need to be physically fit and technically brilliant, with crossing and off-the-ball movement two of their most important stats.

Depending on which player you use in the deep-lying forward role, you might want to tinker with their mindset, but the best option is to get them focused on attack. The right player will then provide you with both goals and assists.