Football Manager 2024: Release date, cost, new features, FM Mobile & more

  • Football Manager 2024 has been officially released on multiple platforms
  • Game includes updates for tactics, transfers & more
  • Players who pre-ordered received early access to the new game

FM24 is here
FM24 is here / Sports Interactive

Football Manager 2024 has been officially unveiled and we're already licking our lips at the prospect of spending the next 12 months tweaking tactics, scouting wonderkids and conceding to Callum Wilson.

The 20th instalment of everyone's favourite franchise has already hit the shelves, so it's time to get prepared and read up on everything there is to know about FM24.

Here's everything you need to know.

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Football Manager 2024 release date

FM24 was made fully available to fans on 6 November 2023.

For the first time ever, the game will also be released in Japan, opening the door for even more players to get their hands on it.

How much does Football Manager 2024 cost?

If you order FM24 through Steam, you're typically looking at a purchase price of £44.99. There are retailers, however, who will stock the game for slightly cheaper and there's times where the game will be on a discounted promotion.

Football Manager 2024 early access

As is the case every year, a beta version was available to fans who pre-ordered the game through an official SEGA-approved digital retailer.

The beta becomes available roughly two weeks before the official launch, with tweaks and bugs in the game ironed out after initial feedback is given to the developer. As the Sports Interactive support team say, it'll be released when it's ready.

Football Manager 2024 platforms

Alongside the traditional PC/Mac version of the game, FM24 returns with a console version too.

Xbox and Xbox Games Pass users can play, as can PlayStation 5 users, while FM24 Touch will be available for the Nintendo Switch.

Football Manager 2024 Mobile

Netflix will be the exclusive home of Football Manager 2024 Mobile.

The Mobile game will be available in the Netflix app, allowing an extra 230m people around the world to experience the game.

Football Manager 2024 new features

Save game continuation

For the first time ever, FM24 gives players the chance to carry across their saves from FM23.

Whether you're continuing an old game or starting fresh, you can also enjoy the inclusion of TransferRoom, the real-life platform used to make buying and selling players easier than ever before.

Smarter transfers

AI managers are now smarter than ever before and will consider form and reputation when buying new players, while also giving greater priority to players who fit their preferred style of play.

Outgoings will also be more informed, with loan deals expected to see real improvement.

Player development changes

Managers are also now more likely to play academy talents in cup games or towards the end of games with comfortable leads, with the AI recognising that a low current ability is not always necessarily a bad thing.

Some players will also be classified as 'Late Developers' - ones who do most of their developing at an older age than typically expected.

Financial tweaks

Greater warnings over financial mismanagement will force players to abide by the rules before the board steps in and starts making the tough calls.

There are also fresh sanctions for any clubs who breach Financial Fair Play rules, including squad size and transfer spending restrictions.

Selling players

You can now ask a player's agent to help facilitate a sale, with different levels of conversation based on whether you are 'desperate', 'keen' or 'curious' about offloading the player.

Intermediaries can also be hired to help facilitate a sale, but at a cost. They'll take a cut of the transfer fee if they help find you a buyer.

Replacing the 'offer to clubs' option is the ability to use the real-life service TransferRoom to find interested clubs.

Player targets

To incentivise players both at your club and on loan, targets can be set based on goals, assists, average ratings and more. These can also be used in contract talks for players expecting an improved squad status.

Failures to meet those targets will be blamed on either the player themselves or you, the manager, after which different ways to proceed can be explored.

Player interactions

Over 2,000 new potential responses have been added to the game to make player interactions more realistic, with three different levels of severity creating more reasonable conversations.

There is also greater context for reactions, such as an explanation as to why a player might consider their options at the end of a contract.

Set Piece Coaches

The introduction of specialised Set Piece Coaches will help you make the most of a rejuvenated Set Piece Creator.

You'll be given the chance to answer a few questions about your set-piece preferences, after which your new coach will use the players with the highest relevant attributes to create your perfect tactic.

New game modes

When you start a new game, you will have three options to choose between:

  • Original: The traditional game mode which mirrors the latest FM player database.
  • Real World: Real-life transfers stay true to their actual date and will be arranged as future transfers, rather than automatically joining the team immediately.
  • Your World: All real-life transfers which happened after the start date of your new game will be cancelled, giving you the chance to change history.

Is women's football in Football Manager 2024?

In 2021, it was announced that women's football would be added into Football Manager in the future, but that won't be in FM24.

Instead, it has already been confirmed that women's football will debut in Football Manager 2025 next year, with the game switching to a new match engine in order to create the most realistic experience possible.

